Jane N Dowling


About the books



This practical handbook invites the reader to embark on a journey of healing by taking a guided walk through the Scriptures where they will learn to listen to their personal story narrated by a loving God. 

As this transforming journey unfolds, the reader will be amazed as they discover the presence of an all-loving and compassionate God who walks with them and extends a healing hand to them, empowering them to work through the effects and issues of sexual abuse. It is a practical handbook that also offers insight to spiritual and pastoral care workers accompanying survivors of sexual abuse, family and friends and other supporters.

Interwoven within the scriptural reflections is the story of the author’s own journey from trauma to healing. It is a powerful and moving narrative that serves as a model for other survivors.


Distinctive features of this book

  • The author writes as a survivor of abuse speaking to other survivors of abuse (particularly sexual abuse).

  • It is a practical handbook that invites the reader to participate by walking their own spiritual journey.

  • It acknowledges the deep spiritual wounds of survivors of abuse by dealing with the big existential questions that arise.

  • It deals with the distorted image of God that victims often cannot escape.

  • Even those who read the book and have not have been abused can walk this spiritual journey.

  • While focusing on the spiritual, it is also integrates the very real practical issues faced by survivors of abuse and those who support them.

  • It is written in a gentle and non-imposing manner.

  • It is a handbook that gently introduces the readers to a technique and step-by step-guide on how to encounter and listen to God through the Scriptures and how to experience the transforming power of Scripture at work in their life.

  • It reveals how holistic healing can be achieved through spirituality and shows how God works through the Scriptures and has the power to transform and integrate the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual effects of abuse.

  • It is a practical handbook that offers insight to spiritual and pastoral care workers accompanying survivors of sexual abuse and the technique of approaching the Scriptures may be used as a guide for survivor support groups attempting to respond to survivor’s spiritual needs.



Jane's "Spiritual Handbook" sheds wonderful and helpful light on an important element of both the damage suffered and, at least for some, the path towards managing life better for those who have suffered church-related sexual abuse.

The spiritual cost for victims / survivors of sexual abuse is rarely if ever addressed by Church protocols, yet it remains for many an essential component in leading a meaningful life.  Jane's book provides not only wise insight but a practical strategy for repairing the damage done by church-related abuse and rebuilding the lives of those who have suffered so tragically.

Fr Kevin Dillon AM Lifeboat Geelong Foundation.

Knowing what it is to like to have one's self-worth stolen by a cleric who abused her, Jane N Dowling finds in the manifold beauty and boldness of Scripture a journey of healing that is grounded in God's unending love.  With courage and clarity she shared her story on The Spirit of Things on ABC RN, reaching thousands of people who responded with gratitude.  Now with her characteristic sensitivity an a practical method, including art therapy, she makes that journey available to everyone who has doubted themselves and their faith.

Dr Rachel Kohn | Produced and presented The Spirit of Things on ABC RN, 1997-2018

Jane N Dowling is the author of the award winning book Child Arise!


 About the author

Jane N Dowling is currently a Pastoral Care Practitioner completing post graduate studies in Chaplaincy.

Prior to this, Jane was a consecrated member of an International Catholic Missionary Community for twenty-five years facilitating retreats and providing guidance on how to pray with Scriptures.  As a survivor of sexual abuse, she experienced the transformative power of God’s Word in her own healing journey.

Further witnessing this transformation in others prompted her to write her first book,  Child, Arise!”.  In late 2012, having taken leave from her community and ministry commitments for health reasons, she appeared before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The overall feedback received from those who purchased “Child, Arise!” was so positive that Jane began writing her second handbook for survivors of sexual abuse, “Come Forward!” Jane’s second book invites the reader to experience healing through visualisation and art therapy based on Scripture.

‘My decision to tell my story to the Royal Commission’, she says, ‘not only initiated a personal journey of deeper healing but also provided the raw material for God to work with and what I needed to begin writing this book.’


I would contend that this book, Come Forward! Bold Enough to Heal and its forerunner, Child Arise, The Courage to Stand, are arguably the most important writings in the life of the Catholic Church in Australia today. Hopefully, some of the lessons learnt in this country will also lead others beyond our shores along the path of healing and reform.”
— Pat Power, Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn
Jane’s “Spiritual Handbook” sheds wonderful and helpful light on an important element of both the damage suffered and, at least for some, the path towards managing life better for those who have suffered church-related sexual abuse.
The spiritual cost for victims/survivors of sexual abuse is rarely if ever addressed by Church protocols, yet it remains for many an essential component in leading a meaningful life. Jane’s book provides not only wise insight but a practical strategy for repairing the damage done by church-related abuse and rebuilding the lives of those who have suffered so tragically.”
— Fr. Kevin Dillon AM, Lifeboat Geelong Foundation
Knowing what it is like to have one’s self-worth stolen by a cleric who abused her, Jane N. Dowling finds in the manifold beauty and boldness of Scripture a journey of healing that is grounded in God’s unending love. With courage and clarity she shared her story on The Spirit of Things on ABC RN, reaching thousands of people who responded with gratitude. Now with her characteristic sensitivity and a practical method, including art therapy, she makes that journey available to everyone who has doubted themselves and their faith.”
— Dr Rachael Kohn, produced and presented The Spirit of Things on ABC RN, 1997-2018
The title accurately describes a very personal journey of emergence from childhood trauma to new life in Christ. The author gives an honest account of her own hard work of transformation, from being half alive, due to the crippling trauma of abuse, to the discovery of a new personal creation where human flourishing is shaped by new feelings of wellness and self-worth. My own childhood trauma resulted in my mind being closed to creativity and learning, and I can truly recommend this book as a treasure if you dare to imagine life beyond being trapped by memories from childhood.
There is a section on learning personal boundaries; this is an excellent resource for those who have never had the courage to say no to abusive or inappropriate situations. Jane guides the reader in this journey of integration and healing by using Scripture, Visualisations and Art Therapy. God’s love is a very personal experience that gives new life to those who have the boldness to ask for that love.”
— Trish Martin, Theologian and Abuse Survivor


WINNER - 2016 Australian christian book of the year

Child, Arise! is the winner of the 2016 Australian Christian Book of the Year award.  Since the books release in 2015, it has had favourable reviews, and Jane has participated in several radio interviews including ABC Radio National, and Vision Media.

'Child, Arise! The Courage to Stand: A Spiritual Handbook for Survivors of Sexual Abuse' is declared the 2016 Australian Christian Book of the Year. Jane N Dowling David Lovell Publishing ISBN 9781863551533 Knowing that God speaks to us when we read the Bible, Jane Dowling prayerfully applies God's Word to the experience of living with the long-term effects of sexual abuse, including abuse by clergy.

Radio Interviews

ABC Radio National | The Spirit of Things
Dr Rachael Kohn speaks with Jane N Dowling

2GB | Evenings with Kel Richards


Come Forward! Bold Enough to Heal was published in association with Coventry Press.

If you would like to order a larger volume you can do so using this Order Form.

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Child, Arise! was first published in Australia in association with David Lovell Publishing.

If you would like to order a larger volume of copies you can do so using the contact form.